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A Cybersecurity blog by shinris3n
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18 September 2021


Challenge Source: HacktivityCon2021
Challenge Category: cryptography

Challenge Text:

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

Nina found some new encryption scheme that she apparently thinks is really cool. She's annoying but she found a flag or something, can you deal with her?

Connect with:

nc challenge.ctf.games 31921


└─$ nc challenge.ctf.games 31921
NINA: Hello! I found a flag, look!
NINA: But I encrypted it with a very special nonce, the same length as 
      the flag! I heard people say this encryption method is unbreakable!
      I'll even let you encrypt something to prove it!! What should we encrypt?
> test
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?
NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
> flag{
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?
NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
└─$ nc challenge.ctf.games 31921
NINA: Hello! I found a flag, look!
NINA: But I encrypted it with a very special nonce, the same length as 
      the flag! I heard people say this encryption method is unbreakable!
      I'll even let you encrypt something to prove it!! What should we encrypt?
> test
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?
NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
> flag{
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?
NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
# H@cktivityCon 2021 - N1TP Solution (Finding the Key with Chosen Plaintext)
# shinris3n

import socket

address = 'challenge.ctf.games'
port = 30966
buffer = 4096

# The encrypted flag received from "NINA" after connecting to the service.
encrypted_flag = ''

# Send over plaintext of equal length to the key (which equals the flag length)
input_to_encrypt = 'flag{0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef}'

received_data = ''

# Open up connection.
tcpsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
tcpsocket.connect((address, port))

# Get greeting.
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8')
print (received_data)

# Retrieve and store the encrypted flag. 
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8')
encrypted_flag = received_data[6:82] # The flag appears to be hex formatted, 64 characters plus 12 characters for the flag{} portion, and 6 spaces of padding.
print ('Encrypted Flag:', encrypted_flag)

# Send input to encrypt in flag format.
formatted_data_to_send = (input_to_encrypt + '\n').encode('utf-8')
print ('Data sent:', input_to_encrypt)

# Get and store encrypted response.
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8') # Get flavor text
print (received_data)
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8') # Get encrypted response
encrypted_response = received_data[6:82] # Same format as the original flag.
print (received_data)
print ('Encrypted Flag:', encrypted_flag)
print ('Encrypted Response:', encrypted_response)

# Figure out the key by XORing the plaintext input that was sent with the encrypted value received

plaintext_hex = input_to_encrypt.encode("utf-8").hex()
plaintext_hex_value = int(plaintext_hex, 16)

encrypted_plaintext_hex = int((encrypted_response), 16)
otp_key_value = plaintext_hex_value^encrypted_plaintext_hex

print ("Key: ", hex(otp_key_value))

# Find the flag by XORing the encrypted flag and the key

encrypted_flag_value = int((encrypted_flag), 16)
plaintext_flag_hex = hex(encrypted_flag_value^otp_key_value)

plaintext_flag = bytes.fromhex(plaintext_flag_hex[2:])

print ("Flag calculated as:",  str(plaintext_flag)[2:-1])
└─$ python3 n1tp2.py                                                                                                             
NINA: Hello! I found a flag, look!

Encrypted Flag: cb31255b7a64b6814aae91e9f1fea18620376bd1a56306bbf33d34e369e48c51ec3f274cda28
Data sent: flag{0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: cb31255b7a64b6814aae91e9f1fea18620376bd1a56306bbf33d34e369e48c51ec3f274cda28
Encrypted Response: cb31255b7a6db5844ff9c0bdf1f0f9d4263039d6f23502bbf33b31ec3db88c53be3d7218de28
Key:  0xad5d443c015d84b67ccdf58bc6c8c0b544535db394053389c00f04da0a80b532dc5e167db855
Flag calculated as: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a11b}
# H@cktivityCon 2021 - N1TP Solution (Brute Force)
# shinris3n

import socket
import time

address = 'challenge.ctf.games'
port = 31921
buffer = 4096

# The encrypted flag received from "NINA" after connecting to the service.
encrypted_flag = ''

# The rules state: Flags for this competition will follow the format: flag\{[0-9a-f]{32}\}. That means a `flag{}` wrapper with what looks like an MD5 hash inside the curly braces.
input_to_encrypt = 'flag{' + '0'*32 + '}'

received_data = ''

possible_flag_characters = '0123456789abcdef'

# Open up connection.
tcpsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
tcpsocket.connect((address, port))

# Get greeting.
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8')
print (received_data)

# Retrieve and store the encrypted flag. 
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8')
encrypted_flag = received_data[6:82] # The flag appears to be hex formatted, 64 characters plus 12 characters for the flag{} portion, and 6 spaces of padding.
print ('Encrypted Flag:', encrypted_flag)

# Send input to encrypt in flag format.
formatted_data_to_send = (input_to_encrypt + '\n').encode('utf-8')
print ('Data sent:', input_to_encrypt)

# Get and store encrypted response.
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8') # Get flavor text
print (received_data)
received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8') # Get encrypted response
encrypted_response = received_data[6:82] # Same format as the original flag.
print (received_data)
print ('Encrypted Flag:', encrypted_flag)
print ('Encrypted Response:', encrypted_response)

# Now cycle through the possible flag characters, checking values until everything matches.
# Starting with character 6 (array index 5), cycle through possible flag characters and move on only after finding a match.
flag_match_index = 5

while True:
        for possible_flag_character in possible_flag_characters:
                input_to_encrypt = input_to_encrypt[:flag_match_index] +possible_flag_character + input_to_encrypt[flag_match_index + 1:]
                #time.sleep(2) # Two second delay to avoid overloading service.
                # Send input to encrypt in flag format.
                formatted_data_to_send = (input_to_encrypt + '\n').encode('utf-8')
                print ('Data sent:', input_to_encrypt)
                received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8') # Get flavor text
                print (received_data)
                received_data = tcpsocket.recv(buffer).decode('utf-8') # Get encrypted response
                encrypted_response = received_data[6:82] # Same format as the original flag.
                print (received_data)
                print ('Encrypted Flag:', encrypted_flag)
                print ('Encrypted Response:', encrypted_response)        
                if encrypted_flag[flag_match_index*2] == encrypted_response[flag_match_index*2]:
                        if encrypted_flag[flag_match_index*2+1] == encrypted_response[flag_match_index*2+1]:
                                flag_match_index = flag_match_index + 1
                                print ('Matched Character:', input_to_encrypt[flag_match_index-1])
                                print ('Next Character to Match:', input_to_encrypt[flag_match_index])
                                if input_to_encrypt[flag_match_index] == '}':
                                        # Close out connection.
                                        print ('Flag Found:' ,input_to_encrypt)
└─$ python3 ./n1tp.py 
NINA: Hello! I found a flag, look!

Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Data sent: flag{00000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4edadd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{00000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4edadd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{10000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4edbdd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{20000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed8dd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{30000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed9dd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{40000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ededd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{50000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4edfdd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{60000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4edcdd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{70000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4edddd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{80000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed2dd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{90000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3dd9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Matched Character: 9
Next Character to Match: 0
Data sent: flag{9a000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed38c9400de7e8f1196220a31c43460b13d7b95450b99513f8b44bc6d526aa8b0ea
Data sent: flag{9b000000000000000000000000000000}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?


NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036bfeb0ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a100}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba8b0ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a110}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b0ea
Matched Character: 1
Next Character to Match: 0
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a112}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b2ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a113}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b3ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a114}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b4ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a115}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b5ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a116}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b6ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a117}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b7ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a118}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b8ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a119}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9b9ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a11a}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e1ea
Data sent: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a11b}
NINA: Ta-daaa!! I think this is called a 'one' 'time' 'pad' or something?

NINA: Isn't that cool!?! Want to see it again? 
      Sorry, I forget already -- what was it you wanted to see again?
Encrypted Flag: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Encrypted Response: 735097cf4ed3df93068d2add1690730965903232b06b7e97460999586cdf4def6d036ba9e2ea
Matched Character: b
Next Character to Match: }
Flag Found: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a11b}
Tags: HacktivityCon2021