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7 August 2021
ASCII Roulette
Challenge Source: Defcon 29 - Red Team Village CTFChallenge Category: programming, crypto
- This was the original source code, which will take some effort to understand:
#define lucky_num 24
#define angry_stache }
#define happy_stache {
#define extra_fate >>
#define lesser_fate <<
#define less_fate <
#define gained_fate +
#define lost_fate -
#define absolute_fate ==
#define given_fate =
#define start main()
#define lucky_number (rand()%7)+1;
#define cat for
#define give cout
#define take cin
#define seven flag
#define luck int
#define lucky string
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
luck start
lucky seven;
give lesser_fate "Enter Any String to Make it Lucky: ";
take extra_fate seven;
luck seven_rand given_fate lucky_number
give lesser_fate "Your Lucky Numbers are: ";
for(luck i given_fate 0; i less_fate seven.length(); i++)
luck seven_num given_fate seven[i];
seven_num given_fate seven_num ^ seven_rand;
if(i % 2 absolute_fate 0)
seven_num given_fate seven_num gained_fate lucky_num;
seven_num given_fate seven_num lost_fate lucky_num;
give lesser_fate seven_num lesser_fate " ";
- Substituting the defines throughout the code to make it readable:
#define lucky_num 24
#define angry_stache }
#define happy_stache {
#define extra_fate >>
#define lesser_fate <<
#define less_fate <
#define gained_fate +
#define lost_fate -
#define absolute_fate ==
#define given_fate =
#define start main()
#define lucky_number (rand()%7)+1;
#define cat for
#define give cout
#define take cin
#define seven flag
#define luck int
#define lucky string
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
string flag;
cout << "Enter Any String to Make it Lucky: ";
cin >> flag;
int flag_rand = (rand()%7)+1;
cout << "Your Lucky Numbers are: ";
for(int i = 0; i < flag.length(); i++)
int flag_num = flag[i];
flag_num = flag_num ^ flag_rand;
if(i % 2 == 0)
flag_num = flag_num + 24;
flag_num = flag_num - 24;
cout << flag_num << " ";
This shows us that the decimal value of each ASCII character in the string received from the commmand line is first bitwise XORβd with a random number between 1 and 8. This random number is chosen right at the beginning, so does not change.
24 is then added to the value of every even indexed character in the string and 24 is subtracted from the value of every odd indexed character in the string.
Now, we just have to write a script to reverse this entire process on the encoded string we are provided in the challenge, brute forcing the random offset value:
roulette_string = "123 81 124 74 150 29 127 94 126 88 143 72 114 29 143 66 129 88 126 86 148 66 123 81 73 24 82 96"
roulette_array = list(map(int, roulette_string.split(" ")))
print ("ASCII Roulette Array: ", roulette_array)
flag = ""
index = 0
rand_num = 0
while rand_num <= 8:
for value in roulette_array:
if (index % 2 == 0):
flag_num = (value - 24) ^ rand_num
flag_num = (value + 24) ^ rand_num
flag = flag + chr(flag_num)
index = index + 1
if flag [0:4] == "flag":
print ("Flag Found for rand_num =", rand_num, ":", flag)
rand_num = rand_num + 1
flag = ""