15 March 2021
Dice Roll
Challenge Source: NahamCon CTF 2021
Challenge Category: cryptography
Challenge Text
Author: @JohnHammond#6971
When you have just one source of randomness, it's "a die", but when you can have muliple -- it's 'dice!'
NOTE: You are welcome to "brute force" this challenge if you feel you need to. ;)
Download the file below and press the Start button on the top-right to begin this challenge.
Downloading the code, we can see that the program allows us to randomly generate a 32 bit integer that represents a dice roll, reset the random seed (“shake the dice”), or try to guess the outcome of the next dice roll.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import os
banner = """
______ | . . | \\
/ / \\ | . |. \\
/ ' / \\ | . . |.'|
/_____/. . \\ |_______|.'|
\\ . . \\ / \\ ' . \\ '|
\\ . . \\ / \\ ____'__ \\ |
\\ _____ \\ /
menu = """
0. Info
1. Shake the dice
2. Roll the dice (practice)
3. Guess the dice (test)
dice_bits = 32
flag = open ( 'flag.txt' ). read ()
print ( banner )
while 1 :
print ( menu )
try :
entered = int ( input ( '> ' ))
except ValueError :
print ( "ERROR: Please select a menu option" )
if entered not in [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ]:
print ( "ERROR: Please select a menu option" )
if entered == 0 :
print ( "Our dice are loaded with a whopping 32 bits of randomness!" )
if entered == 1 :
print ( "Shaking all the dice..." )
random . seed ( os . urandom ( dice_bits ))
if entered == 2 :
print ( "Rolling the dice... the sum was:" )
print ( random . getrandbits ( dice_bits ))
if entered == 3 :
print ( "Guess the dice roll to win a flag! What will the sum total be?" )
try :
guess = int ( input ( '> ' ))
except ValueError :
print ( "ERROR: Please enter a valid number!" )
total = random . getrandbits ( dice_bits )
if guess == total :
print ( "HOLY COW! YOU GUESSED IT RIGHT! Congratulations! Here is your flag:" )
print ( flag )
else :
print ( "No, sorry, that was not correct... the sum total was:" )
print ( total )
Since seeding is optional and getrandbits (which is a deterministic, pseudo-random generator) is used, we should be able to predict values. Luckily, there is a tool called randcrack available that can use 32-bit getrandbits integer inputs to predict newly generated numbers with high accuracy. It takes 624 integers for randcrack to be ready to predict new numbers.
To that end, we can build a script to interact with the challenge connection, roll the dice via option #2 and feed the results into randcrack. After this we just use randcrack to guess the next roll with option #3 and get the flag.
import os
import sys
import struct
import socket
from randcrack import RandCrack
rc = RandCrack ()
address = 'challenge.nahamcon.com'
port = 31699
buffer = 4096
tcpsocket = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_STREAM )
tcpsocket . connect (( address , port ))
# Get the initial headers
received_data = tcpsocket . recv ( buffer ). decode ( 'utf-8' )
print ( 'Received:' , received_data )
# Check information
tcpsocket . send ( b '0 \n ' )
received_data = tcpsocket . recv ( buffer ). decode ( 'utf-8' )
print ( 'Received:' , received_data )
# Shake the dice
tcpsocket . send ( b '1 \n ' )
received_data = tcpsocket . recv ( buffer ). decode ( 'utf-8' )
print ( 'Received:' , received_data )
# Roll the dice enough for RandCrack to be able to work its magic
for i in range ( 624 ):
tcpsocket . send ( b '2 \n ' )
received_data = tcpsocket . recv ( buffer ). decode ( 'utf-8' )
received_data_lines = received_data . splitlines ()
received_roll = int ( received_data_lines [ 1 ])
rc . submit ( received_roll )
#print ('Received Roll Number',i,':', received_roll)
# Get a prediction of the next roll from RandCrack
try :
roll_prediction = rc . predict_randrange ( 0 , 4294967294 )
print ( "Roll Prediction: " , roll_prediction )
except :
print ( 'Not enough rolls to predict - change range to 625.' )
exit ()
# Try to guess the next roll and output the response
tcpsocket . send ( b '3 \n ' )
received_data = tcpsocket . recv ( buffer ). decode ( 'utf-8' )
print ( 'Received:' , received_data )
roll_prediction_encoded = ( str ( roll_prediction ) + ' \n ' ). encode ( 'utf-8' )
tcpsocket . send ( roll_prediction_encoded )
received_data = tcpsocket . recv ( buffer ). decode ( 'utf-8' )
print ( 'Received:' , received_data )
tcpsocket . close ()
─( shinris3n㉿kodachi) -[~/sec/CTFs/Nahamcon_2021/dice_roll]
└─$ python3 roll_a_lot.py
______ | . . |\
/ /\ | . |.\
/ ' / \ | . . |.' |
/_____/. . \ |_______|.'|
\ . . \ / \ ' . \' |
\ . . \ / \_ ___'__\|
0. Info
1. Shake the dice
2. Roll the dice (practice)
3. Guess the dice (test)
Received: Our dice are loaded with a whopping 32 bits of randomness!
0. Info
1. Shake the dice
2. Roll the dice (practice)
3. Guess the dice (test)
Received: Shaking all the dice...
0. Info
1. Shake the dice
2. Roll the dice (practice)
3. Guess the dice (test)
Roll Prediction: 131726453
Received: Guess the dice roll to win a flag! What will the sum total be?
Received: HOLY COW! YOU GUESSED IT RIGHT! Congratulations! Here is your flag:
0. Info
1. Shake the dice
2. Roll the dice (practice)
3. Guess the dice (test)
Tags: NahamConCTF2021