当て身 Atemi

A Cybersecurity blog by shinris3n
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14 April 2020


Challenge Source: VirSecCon2020
Challenge Category: Scripting

There were a couple of hints upfront to get you started:

Since the attached file was a large encoded message, with the hints given it was safe to assume that the flag was b64 encoded over and over again.

A Python3 script can be written to solve this:

import base64
with open('2048') as b64file:
	b64input = b64file.read()

decoded_output = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64input)
print (decoded_output)
iterations = 1

while iterations < 50:
	decoded_output = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(decoded_output)
	print (decoded_output)
	print (iterations)
	iterations = iterations + 1

    Python Script Output

Alternatively, CyberChef is a great resource for problems like this.

Using a loop in CyberChef and loading the file as an input:

CyberChef Output

As a side note, there’s a function called “Magic” in CyberChef that works really well if you don’t know the encoding, or different types were utilized. It didn’t work for this problem, however, probably because of the depth.

Tags: VirSecCon, ctf, scripting